Carefully planned and thoughtfully personalized, our healthcare services include:
- Amputation
- Bariatric Care
- Bladder Irrigation
- Burn Care
- Central lines / Midline / PICC lines*
- Chest Tubes (non-suctioning)
- Dobhoff Tubes (short-term)
- Doppler Studies – outside service
- Gastrostomy Tube Feeding (G-Tube)
- Ileal Conduit / Nephrostomy /Urostomy
- In-house Hand Held Doppler Studies
- In-house Peritoneal Dialysis
- Ileostomy / Colostomy
- Insulin Pumps
- Isolation
- IV Antibiotics & Push Medications
- JP Drain / Penrose Drain / T-tube
- LifeVest +
- NG Tubes
- Oncology Care
- Oxygen > 6L
- Pleurx Catheter
- Post Cardiac / CABG
- Radiation – off-site
- Skin Graft Care
- Suctioning – oral & tracheal
- Total Joint Replacement / Ortho Care
- Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) / Lipids
- Tracheostomy Care
- Trilogy / CPAP / BiPAP Care
- Patient and family support and resources
- Respite & residential care
*Maintenance only
†Alert and oriented
*Clinical programming subject to change